The Mothership Method™
Connect with The Family of Light!
The time has arrived on Earth to prepare for Open Contact. This will be a process.
Many of you have already been contacted. Soon, more of you will begin having these experiences.
This is to prepare humanity for what’s coming...
February 22nd
Galactic Gathering for the launch of the Mothership Method!
Be guided by Gayle through a clearing meditation & activation that will allow you to begin connecting more with Family of Light!
The Mothership Method is a meditation method. Through many events in making contact with groups, this method was developed and channeled to help humanity understand how we can connect with ETs more and open ourselves to this connection. It can be done anytime, anywhere.
This is a very heart-based meditation that can also help you clear your own energy field and allow you to anchor in more love. It’s important to remain in the heart as we raise our consciousness and as we do this we can more easily make contact.
We have found that the higher your vibration is, the more you can connect with higher vibrational beings.
This method was recorded and intuitively scored by award winning producer CJ Baran known for producing songs for artists such as Melanie Martinez, Britney Spears, Panic At The Disco, Carly Rae Jepson and more! This method was recorded with these codes after we had an incredible experience in Mount Shasta so it is all infused in the meditation scoring.
There are events where you can join in person in groups to do this method in person with other like-minded people!
Why is Contact important?
The impact of making contact is huge. As you connect with other civilizations and beings, you may receive upgrades in your consciousness that will allow you to understand more of this reality and your life. Doing this on a mass level can impact the whole collective in massive ways. Eventually, physical contact will be made and this will affect the way we think about science, politics, religion, the Earth’s environment and everything else about this reality we are in.
Contact with benevolent beings will allow technological advancements that will change the world as we know it. The advancements will allow healing of us and the Earth on massive levels. It will also change our currency system and the way we live and work. We will be able to learn from these other civilizations and learn how to become a more harmonious society. Our consciousness will expand, and we will be able to experience things we never thought were possible. The advancements will allow humanity to become more free and abundant as people will elevate their consciousness to understand higher levels of information.
Humanity will no longer act in the unconscious ways that have been destroying Earth and its people. People will begin having massive realizations and begin to become more aware of the truths that they have been asleep to. As this process accelerates, the old systems will collapse more and more. All beings who have taken control of the Earth and have kept humanity in a state of lack and fear will no longer have that power and control. The sovereignty of the Earth and the collective of humanity will be activated as this mass awakening occurs.
As you begin to make your own content, you prepare yourself for more of your own mission here on Earth. You are Earth ambassadors who came here to be a part of the Earth’s ascension. Many of you have galactic DNA that has been activated and you have awakened to these knowings already.
There are ships all around us and in the skies coming in and out of portals constantly. We have just not been able to perceive them yet. As our consciousness expands and more of our abilities come online, we will begin to perceive beyond the veil of illusion that has been in place.
Humanity has not been ready for this contact in the past and there have been meetings with other civilizations and our leaders already. We have come to a time on Earth where contact is now necessary and will open contact will begin soon.
How can Contact help you in your own life?
Making contact can help you understand reality in a new way. Some have realizations about their life purpose after making contact.
You may even connect with your own galactic origin and galactic family. Hundreds of people that we have made contact with have become emotional and overflowing with love and beauty when making the connection. Some have had a form of healing. Many became very clear about what they were to do for their mission moving forward. Others had a mass awakening after thinking that all of this was nonsense and seeing an actual starship moving towards them in complete awe.
It can truly change how you feel about life and show you how all of our daily problems are very small in comparison to how vast the universe really is.
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